
Sophie has been amazing! She has taken on board my whole lifestyle, listened sympathetically and in depth to all my health issues and I have never felt judged. Sophie has completely turned around my diet which has greatly improved my energy levels. My longstanding IBS symptoms have completely disappeared and I now regularly get a great nights sleep! I also no longer suffer from menopausal hot sweats. I wish I had booked in to see Sophie a long time ago and I would thoroughly recommend her services to anyone.
— N.C
I have been working with Sophie since May. As a 50+ lady with many health issues and hormone imbalances, I have found Sophie a revelation. I have followed a low fat diet for years and at the beginning of this year found that my weight had just plateaued. I was frustrated and uncomfortable and as a business owner not feeling or looking your best can severely impact your performance.

Sophie has helped me look at food groups and in 6 weeks I have steadily lost almost half a stone and my weight is stable. My skin, hair and nails are in great condition too.

I highly recommend Sophie’s 1-2-1 programme if food, shopping and healthy options are confusing you too!!
— C.H
After two late miscarriages in my early forties, I felt dreadful and was exhausted all the time. I had also started noticing changes in my body like irregular periods, skin breakout and the ever-present fatigue. The weight wouldn’t shift either. I have always been health-conscious and my diet was good but I felt that I needed some extra help and my GP just couldn’t bring me the answers I needed so I decided to approach Sophie as she -as a nutritionist- had a keen interest in women over 40s.

We worked together on addressing the most pressing issues like exhaustion and hormonal changes. I thought I was well-informed about women’s health in general but Sophie’s expertise gave me a lot to think about. We slowly started to incorporate small changes into my diet. Sophie’s approach is practical and she is able to explain clearly how what we put in our mouth impacts our hormones and bodies. Understanding the reasoning behind why snacking wasn’t ideal for me made a huge difference to my daily routine.

This is a work in progress as my body will continue going through some important changes but I feel much better now than I have in a very long time and thanks to Sophie, I have adopted a better diet (which works for the whole family) with very little effort.
— A. B
Sophie helped me when I had just been diagnosed with endometriosis. I was getting severe pain throughout my cycle which meant I was missing work and my skin was badly affected too. She listened to all my problem and gave me a bespoke diet (strict to start with) to follow with supplements to support my health needs. I’m about 6 months down the line and when before I was seriously considering taking the progesterone pill for pain management and paying for private surgery as the waiting list was too long on the NHS, I now only need mild painkillers to manage pretty normal period cramps one day per month and my skin has completely cleared. She is a total legend!! My background is intensive care nursing and now research which is making leaps and bounds into the impact a healthy gut microbiome has on hormones, liver function and mental health. Soph’s knowledge is phenomenal and she treats your issues with a huge amount of care and sensitivity. I can highly recommend!
— E. C
Sophie is a wonderfully encouraging practitioner. I came with a pre-diabetic diagnosis and she helped me to create a healthier routine of diet and exercise. She also gave me a better understanding of the colourful range of foods I could eat to support my digestion and overall health. I very much appreciated and enjoyed the sessions we had together !
— Kate P
Sophie came in and was a great help to us launching our new Wellbeing Network within LCP. Before the launch date she produced practical and simple nutritional information that was really focussed on areas that would benefit our staff and partners, had some great ideas to improve engagement and suggested how we could run a company-wide water challenge.

On the two launch days themselves, Sophie and a colleague presented a very interesting session on how nutrition can help to manage stress and spoke to a number of staff on a one-to-one basis to give them a few nutritional tips. Both the training session and one-to-ones were really well received, with a number of people commenting how useful both were. Sophie was thoroughly professional and a pleasure to work with throughout, we’re delighted she has passed on some of her passion for healthy nutrition to our people!
— Chris Bunford, Senior Consultant, Lane Clark & Peacock LLP